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[Cob] Clay tiles over earthen floors (Pavel Velikodvorsky)Tys Sniffen tys at ideamountain.comMon Mar 21 12:15:47 CDT 2016
While I don't have a complete (cob/earthen) floor covered by tiles, I certainly have tiled over just cob, in a couple of situations. My opinion would be to NOT waste time or resources pouring concrete on top of earthen subfloor. (concrete is so bad for the environment!) Just make sure you're subfloor is very solid & thick, very flat, and apply the tiles in the normal way - with thin-set, being sure to not have any air gaps underneath. We have tiles at the doorways on top of earthen subfloor (about a meter in) and in the bathroom. I've also done benches, where you put your butt, and done it by just smushing tiles into the clay plaster - and failed, because there was gaps underneath.. and succeeded, when I was more careful to not have gaps. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Message: 1 Date: Mon, 21 Mar 2016 16:21:32 +0300 From: Pavel Velikodvorsky <willyns59 at> To: coblist at Subject: [Cob] Clay tiles over earthen floors Message-ID: <CAB4rQxJMMMqZMFFNeqJr0cD24c9uWH7jC=06B-Ct=WzpNjv7MA at> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Hello everyone! I have a subfloor made of cob and want to lay tiles over it. Does anyone have an experience on the matter? The first thing I thought I will pour some concrete sublayer over existing cobfloor, to leveling and straighten it. But then I've read Ziggi's ( post on how he tiled his earthen floor using clay as adhesive. And I thought, maybe that is the way? What do yoy guys think? Basically, will it stay in place? :) Also plan to ask Ziggi. Take care, Pasha ------------------------------ Subject: Digest Footer _______________________________________________ Coblist mailing list Coblist at ------------------------------ End of Coblist Digest, Vol 14, Issue 3 **************************************