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[Cob] Wattle and daub birdhouses for childrenRaduazo at Raduazo at aol.comSat Mar 20 21:27:55 CST 2004
I am currently teaching a children's class on building wattle and daub birdhouses and will be putting together two photo essays for anyone who would like copies. The first version will be written in AOL 9.0 and available free for anyone who wants it. The second will be a black and white PrintShop 11 version which I can send as an attachment free to anyone who has print shop 11 or better, but mainly this version is for black and white copy machines. I will send out copies for the cost of printing and postage. (Probably about one dollar.) I would also like to have an MS Word version if anyone knows how to cut and paste the AOL version into MSW. The AOL version will be available next week. Anyone who would like a copy should let me know in a response to this letter. Please send your response to me personally... raduazo at (Do not click Reply all.) Note also that if you do not have high speed Internet connections this photo essay will take about a half hour or more to down load because of the color pictures. Ed