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Cob: garden sculptureScott Gregorie Howard howardsg at whitman.eduWed Apr 11 23:31:06 CDT 2001
I am also interested in this mixture, and also in the nuts and bolts of how exactly to make lime plaster from hydrated lime. I am looking to 'waterproof' some outdoor cob sculptures using a combination of lime-sand plaster and linseed oil over the top. Any advice is greatly appreciated! Scott On Wed, 11 Apr 2001, susie osler wrote: > hi all, > > someone recently posted that they have made garden planters with lime, > clay, sand and shredded newspaper that have stood up to water contact. i > am wondering if this lime mixture is safe for kids to handle (and sculpt > larger garden ornaments) from. also, what percentage of lime to clay to > sand to paper,etc. would you recommend??? > > thanks, and hope everyone has a great cobbing year! > > susie > > >