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Cob: Baked HousesMitch_Walzer at Mitch_Walzer at Jan 20 09:20:15 CST 2000
The 600 degree solar oven, besides being slow, expensive and labor intensive, will only dry the bricks. It cannnot "fire" them as in a kiln. Kilns bring the clay to change state and fuse together. I must admit though, I am quite impressed that a "backyard" solar oven can get that hot. Mitch Walzer, Prescott AZ "Rosemary Lyndall Wemm" <lyndall at> on 01/19/2000 09:28:36 PM Please respond to "Rosemary Lyndall Wemm" <lyndall at> To: "'Charmaine R Taylor'" <tms at>, "'louis'" <louis at>, coblist at cc: (bcc: Mitch Walzer/YCC) Subject: RE: Cob: Baked Houses Charmaine Taylor wrote: > Here's a wacky idea for " hand to mouth [or hand to clay] builders" Use a > Solar Stove Top cooker pattern to make a solar oven that heats ONE brick at a > time to 600 degrees plus...bake for a while, then place fresh adobe brick in > place, bake again...the parabolic style oven is $12. to make a pattern, and > hey, 10 or 20 of those puppies all baking bricks all day is a cottage > industry!!! Not really too whacky, Charmaine! It might actually be possible - if such a pattern were available. Anybody know where to find one? I'm sure the stoves could be useful to cook mud pies in the "off" season ;-) - Rosemary --------------------------------------------------------------------- Rosemary LYNDALL WEMM, B.A.(Hons), M.A.(Neuropsych.), B.Mus.(Inst.), T.S.T.C.,etc. _--_|\ Clinical Neuro-psychologist Perth/ \ Perth, Western Australia lyndall at -->\_.--._/ ------------------- ---------------v-