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Cob: Baked Houses-Solar Stove Pattern exists

crtaylor tms at
Thu Jan 20 11:44:56 CST 2000

>Charmaine Taylor wrote:
>> Here's a wacky idea for " hand to mouth [or hand to clay]  builders"   Use
>> Solar Stove Top cooker pattern to make a solar oven that heats ONE brick
>at a
>> time to 600 degrees plus...bake  for a while, then place fresh adobe brick
>> place, bake again.
>Not really too whacky, Charmaine!  It might actually be possible - if such a
>pattern were available.  Anybody know where to find one?  I'm sure the
>could be useful to cook mud pies in the "off" season ;-)
>- Rosemary

Actually, there IS a pattern, that's why I mentioned it..check out the
photos at my web site under SOlar cooking or go to

the guy who produces them frys eggs, in a pan, INDOORS at the kitchen
window!!  how's that for solar efficiency?

Charmaine R. Taylor
Taylor Publishing 1-888-441-1632 9-2PST
PO Box 6985,Eureka CA 95502