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Cob Commercial clay productionKeith Breuker flyfisherkb at centuryinter.netFri Apr 2 20:27:35 CST 1999
We are just finishing our earthen plastered SB house in Northern Michigan. The carpenter who is helping me has a job comming up that will require production of earthen plaster, straw clay and cob on a larger scale than the five gallon bucket method we used on our house. He plans to hire me as the earthen plaster guy. What suggestions are out there for processing clay, cob and plaster for commercial construction? The clay we have here usually contains a lot of moisture and we usually aren't able to process it the way we learned from the Steens in Arizona. Thanks -- Keith Breuker - Engineer Straw Bale Owner/Builder Flyfishing Author Beulah, Michigan USA 616 882-5648