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Cob castle turretWill Firstbrook WCB of BC wfirstbr at wcb.bc.caTue Mar 10 13:30:21 CST 1998
Hi John, I am thinking of actually using the turrets as small but usable living space. So my idea is getting structural beams to extend from supporting the floor out to be the base of the turret. My rough idea in ascii art (not to scale). Convert to courier for correct character spacing. The walls in the turret would be fairly light weight perhaps leichtlehmbau with a lime-cob plaster exterior and a cob plaster interior. / / / /\ / / / / /| 2nd Floor Turret -> | | | | | | ==================== Strong floor joists ==================== Full logs (Vegas?) \ | | Corbelled -> \ | | Cob \| |<- cob wall | | | | | | | | Main Floor | | | | ------------------------- The load of the turret would be carried by the wood floor joists. The corbelled cob is mainly for appearance to look right. So do you think this would work? Regards, Will >-----Original Message----- >From: John Schinnerer [SMTP:jschinnerer at] >Sent: Friday, March 06, 1998 11:40 PM >To: "'coblist at'"; WFIRSTBR >Subject: RE: Cob castle turret > >Aloha, > >-----Original Message----- >From: Will Firstbrook WCB of BC [SMTP:wfirstbr at] >Sent: Wednesday, February 25, 1998 3:18 PM > >Will, are you thinking turrets for visual effect only, or are you thinking >these will actually be big enough for a person to get inside of? I think >there's two whole different animals under consideration, depending on which >you're thinking of... > >John Schinnerer >