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Kiko Denzer on Art

Cob castle turret

John Schinnerer jschinnerer at
Thu Feb 26 11:20:56 CST 1998


-----Original Message-----
From:	Will Firstbrook WCB of BC [SMTP:wfirstbr at]
Sent:	Wednesday, February 25, 1998 3:18 PM
>In our ongoing plans & ideas for our dream home. We want a whimsical
>castle design for part of the house. I feel that a castle isn't a castle
>unless it has several turrets. So I was thinking of building a cob wall
>and corbelling an arch to the base of the area where we wish to have the
>turret using some sturdy branches for extra strength.  When embedding
>the floor joist to the second floor extend the joists through the wall
>out into the base of the turret area and continue building the second
>floor wall and the turret.

Will, are you thinking turrets for visual effect only, or are you thinking 
these will actually be big enough for a person to get inside of?  I think 
there's two whole different animals under consideration, depending on which 
you're thinking of...

John Schinnerer