Rethink Your Life!
Finance, health, lifestyle, environment, philosophy
The Work of Art and The Art of Work
Kiko Denzer on Art

The Earth Architecture Center International Ltd.

Johe Saunders josaunders at
Sun May 4 20:04:42 CDT 1997
((This is one of the many links from the School of Architecture and
Planning, University of New Mexico,
which can also be reached from the Adobe FAQ
Consolidation is the process where a
suitable, reactive chemical in liquid form is allowed to soak into
porous stone or adobe where it sets
up and hardens so that the adobe is no longer turned to mud when in
contact with water. The
second procedure is the preparation of a modified mud by replacing part
of the water mixed with
sand and clay with an emulsion of an acrylic polymer in water. This
amended mud can be used in a
variety of ways to give more durable structures. The third tool is the
use of a water repellent uniquely
suitable for adobe protection to cover products of the first and second
procedures. UNQUOTE