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[Cob] Intro to Natural Building with Sasha Rabin at Quail Springs in Southern CA April 25- May 1Quail Springs Permaculture info at quailsprings.orgWed Feb 19 15:31:01 CST 2014
Introduction to Natural Building workshop at Quail Springs Permaculture, Southern California With Sasha Rabin and team April 25 - May 1, 2014 In this six day cob workshop, we focus on the characteristics of the natural materials most commonly used in construction: clay soil, sand, and fibers. Our main focus will be cob, though we will touch on various other building techniques that utilize the same materials, including adobe block, light straw-clay, wattle and daub, and plasters. Instructor: Sasha Rabin, Natural Builder and Teacher Sasha Rabin has been practicing natural building as well as teaching it since 2002, when she began her building career with an apprenticeship at the Cob Cottage Company. Since then she has taught all over the US through the organizations that she co-founded, Seven Generations Natural Builders and Vertical Clay, as well as collaborated with other schools and organizations including The Yestermorrow Design Build School, The Canelo Project, The Solar Living Institute, Quail Springs Permaculture, as well as taught at the Permaculture Research Institute in Jordan. Although she enjoys building, her true passions lie in the teaching and sharing natural building with others. Visit Sasha’s website at to learn more. Cost: $550 For more info and to register, please visit, or email sasha at or call 805-886-7239.