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[Cob] thermal bridging around windows

Robert Alcock ralcock at
Tue Feb 11 06:18:08 CST 2014

Hi all,

Has anybody come across this problem and if so, can they suggest a 
solution? (Either in the present house, or for future construction)

I'm talking about condensation and hence mould forming on the surface of 
the cob (not the plaster) around windows, where the wall tapers to only 
about 10cm/4in thick, even though the windows are double glazed and 
condensation seldom forms on the glass. It's especially, but not 
exclusively, in the damper areas of the house, like the bathrooms.

Our winters here aren't especially cold -- it only gets down to freezing 
point occasionally, with average winter temperatures around 8 centigrade.

Thanks a lot,
