Rethink Your Life!
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[Cob] Looking for answers

dhowell at dhowell at
Fri Mar 1 14:39:54 CST 2013

	As Shawn pointed out, cleverness of the building process will help  
you more than anything. But if you were to do it the old-fashioned  
way (mixing on a tarp or letting animals tread it then heaving cob  
onto the top of a wall with a pitch fork) you're gonna kill yourself.  
The most sensible way to do it without breaking your back is with a  
machine. You can mix the cob and deliver a 25 square foot bucketful  
to the top of a wall with a bobcat or tractor. Yes that takes the  
whole "getting in touch with the Earth" thing away, but it sounds  
like you just want a cob house. Also, it speeds things up quite a bit!