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[Cob] About a bobcat!Aime Desponds aime.desponds at gmail.comFri Jul 1 01:10:18 CDT 2011
>From my experience, I had the chance to purchase a small and used bobcat 3 years ago, In Mexico you can not rent one like in the US. Yes It is, in fact, the perfect tool for cobing. Of course you have to forget about the romantic way of cobing with your feet, if you can... I did built my first cottage the traditional way, with 2 helper, feet in the mud, it took me about 4 month to rise the Wall. A great experience. After that, with the Bobcat, I did several other constructions, fast and easy. Like describe in Damon Howell last mail. The bobcat is the tool. The last one, my Wine Cellar, I could rise the walls in 18 working days, spacing every 3 days with some time to let walls drying. Only one helper. The cement mixer works well also, but you need to feed it with the straw first, then some water, send, water controlling consistency, then at the end you can add the clay, very well melt down over night in water. Photos in my blog at Aime Desponds