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[Cob] Cob in OregonJanet Standeford janet.standeford at gmail.comSat May 7 16:29:40 CDT 2011
Hi all, It's been some time since an update. Check out the site for changes on the permitted cob home I will hopefully be living in by winter. _Please look at the front page on my website for amenities._ It turns out that the logs are probably going to be eliminated from the walls of the house and that the cob mix used will be the 240-250 psi mix, as opposed to the 360 which has much less straw. The foundation has changed from a stem wall to shoveling out between the big rocks on the terrace and tamping in gravel (my unit owns a gravel pit). We have already started removing bark from the logs and should be done within a couple weeks maximum. I am still processing the logs for building as I have not been told by Shane yet that we will /not/ use them. Besides they will probably still be used for roof tie downs and will surely be used for the walkway and for a garbage shed. The foundation shoveling will begin within two weeks. The backhoe should be here within a week so we can start digging out and crushing/filtering the sandy clay for mixing. Happy cobbing....Janet