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[Cob] 45 watt solar panel

Bill Christensen billc_lists at
Mon Oct 11 21:49:31 CDT 2010

It won't run much *directly*, but if you store the day's power in a 
battery you'll be able to do some light use with it.  Don't run the 
toaster or any other electrical-resistance heating.  If you use 
compact flourescents or better yet LED lighting you can probably get 
a fair bit.

At 10:16 AM +0200 10/11/10, Jill Hogan wrote:
>  Hi for four of the years I lived in a caravan while building a 
>house I only had a 45w panel. It ran all the lights in the caravan 5 
>lights, charged my cell phone, ran a radio and cd player, a little 
>lap top and a fan. It also ran the light in my temp bathroom 
>outside. Water heating it wont do any, heating element chews mega 
>On 2010/10/11 12:04 AM, Glenna Elf wrote:
>>Hi folks....
>>      A local store here is selling a 45 watt solar panel kit. 
>>What could you
>>expect to run on something that size ???   CD player?   Recharge 
>>cell phone ??
>>run a computer ??   little lights??   inline hot water heater?
>>      Anyone try that size kit before ??   And what did you run on it??
>>   Glenna....Lord Reaper's lil Sajorte
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Bill Christensen

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