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[Cob] Exposed Cob BenchesKevin Brown brownkc at care2.comThu Jul 15 16:00:08 CDT 2010
Hi all, Thanks for the feedback in regards attaching a roof to cob, it was helpful. The structure I'm working on consists mainly of walls and benches surrounding an earthen oven. The roof will cover just half the structure and many of the benches and such will still be exposed. I left one bench uncovered (unplastered) last winter and spring to assess its durability and it survived remarkably well considering it was exposed to rather extreme weather including about 10 in of rain and wet and freezing temperatures. However I'm going to protect it with plaster this year. My thoughts, and I welcome your feedback on this, is to use a lime plaster (sand, some clay, horse manure, and lime) on most of the structure. I was thinking of drilling a couple of drain holes in the benches where they collect water and inserting PVC pipe through the length of the bench to drain. I also read about "waterglass"/potassium silicate as a sealer as well. Thanks Cobbers; Let's keep it civil. Kevin Brown, Big Sky Country Boy <p><p>Care2 makes it easy for everyone to live a healthy, green lifestyle and impact the causes you care about most. Over 12 Million members! <a href="" target=_blank></a><br /><br /> Feed a child by searching the web! Learn how <a href="" target=_blank><a>