Rethink Your Life! Finance, health, lifestyle, environment, philosophy |
The Work of Art and The Art of Work Kiko Denzer on Art |
[Cob] official psi samplesJanet Standeford janet.standeford at gmail.comFri Mar 19 18:47:55 CDT 2010
Hi everyone, Just wanted you to know I put 6 8" x 4" test cylinders together today. Now we wait a month for them to dry. Am going to have to figure out a way to dry them out of the cylinders without breaking any bonding and get them to dry evenly while in round shape. Whew! Any ideas? I tagged the trees for cutting today and will have someone over tomorrow to help cut them down and into needed lengths. Janet Standeford OR (Owned by the worldwide community of alternative material builders) a resource for healthy homes. Created in TikiWiki (identical to WikiPedia)Let's not just talk about it/Let's make it happen! Ask for Admin ID& Password to help create the site. admin at The Green Globes standard, American Code Standard for Green Building is to be released in late Spring.