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[Cob] Cob House Fire

Marilyn Pratt marilyn.pratt at
Tue Mar 9 15:47:45 CST 2010

There can be a challenge in rebuilding, where deadmen are placed in the walls to support structures like the roof, or an upper floor, when a fire guts the building - the deadman is charred and there is no longer a strong enough connection spot.

Do you have experience in dealing with that?  Ianto had an accident like this on a smaller scale a few years ago; when I was there a year and a half ago the cottage hadn't been fully repaired largely because of this (well, and the fact that they have so many unfinished projects there that other tasks took precedence, I'm sure).

thanks -
marilyn p.

From: Dulane <silkworm at>
To: Janet Standeford <janet.standeford at>; coblist at
Sent: Tue, March 9, 2010 10:31:07 AM
Subject: Re: [Cob] Cob House Fire can be rebuilt, as that is the nature of cob. One blessing, but
that is not a small thing. Maybe he can amend little design flaws and
develop some better fire protection techniques in his next model. Sometimes
we are faced with lessons we didn't know we were supposed to
taller chimneys, screened caps, heat deflectors, etc. 
I don't mean to make light of a sad situation...but this doesn't make me
love cob any the less.

-----Original Message-----
From: coblist-bounces at [mailto:coblist-bounces at] On
Behalf Of Janet Standeford
Sent: Monday, March 08, 2010 11:13 PM
To: coblist at
Subject: Re: [Cob] Cob House Fire

If you are seeing this, you and your family have my deepest heartfelt 

Janet Standeford OR

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