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[Cob] foundations for sandy soil

livin_and_learnin at livin_and_learnin at
Fri Dec 11 14:27:50 CST 2009

You might do some research on the type foundations that are used in marshy ground.  They are wider than for rock bases, and they float, so to speak, not needing a hard base.  Also, pier foundations with attached rubble and 8-inch deep, concrete bond beam.  I haunted the library when I was designing my cob home many years ago.  I have forgotten most of it after I decided what our site needed.  I also agree with Damon in USA  about finding out what others in your area use.  What works, works; and what doesn't will surely show, if it's been around long enough.
B.M. in Oklahoma
Message: 1
Date: Tue, 8 Dec 2009 22:50:01 -0200
From: guilherme bortoli <guigrena at>
Subject: [Cob] foundations on unstable sandy soil
To: <coblist at>
Message-ID: <COL112-W21D9D8D9DCC7F685F238E6CB8E0 at phx.gbl>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"


I?m in Brazil, in Florianopolis, and I?m planning 
to build a small house myself with cob!

I?m with a doubt about the foundations, and I found 
you as a cob builder, hopefully you guys can help me.

I?m ins a very sandy soil, going 1,5 meters down in 
the soil I still not found a hard soil.  I cannot find a good choice to build 
the foundations...... should I do it with reinforced concrete (how deep should 
it be and how wide)? or can I just buid a steam wall with stones, wider on the 

(if I do it with concrete, seems as will be harder 
to build round walls, because the foundations should be square)
thanks for your help
