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[Cob] more cob floor debatesTys Sniffen tys at ideamountain.comFri Apr 17 22:05:02 CDT 2009
Barbara, Well, I think we have a really good site drainage situation, but I don't know the 'sucking' properties of the untouched subsoil. On our western facing slight slope at 2000 ft above sea level in northern California very near the top of the hill, our anti-water set up includes: - urbanite mortared retaining wall with 4-6 inches of gravel behind it, weep holes, 4in perforated pipe going to daylight on both ends underneath that - about a 3 foot gap between the retaining wall and the wall of the house which is under the eaves of the roof - perforated pipe under the bond beam/stem wall that also goes to daylight - more pipe along the north, bermed in side - about 3 feet of overhanging eaves around the entire house - there's a bump of soil above the house that pushes away surface water also - it's a 3 level house (one or two steps between levels) and there's close to 20 inches of drain rock (3/4") inside the stem wall, -BUT, at the top, uphill side, there's maybe some spots where the drain rock only goes down 3 inches. Mostly at that shallow end it's 4 or more, but that's my worry spot. So, that's why we're debating the vapor barrier. Those damn 3" spots. Tys Message: 1 Date: Thu, 16 Apr 2009 22:34:22 -0700 From: Barbara Roemer <roemiller4 at> Subject: [Cob] more cob floor debates To: coblist at Message-ID: <6e41aaf40904162234j744a7b47he8a4e934ba7a2ef6 at> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 Hi Tys, I think the question to start with is what is your site drainage like? We have an earthen floor over a lot of scoria - like 14", with no vapor barrier. BUT the site drainage is terrible - we have to correct it with a curtain drain (we just moved into a renovated garage and then added the bathroom with an earthen floor). Even with all that lava rock, we still have some expansion and contraction, seasonally, because of the amount of water that runs through the rock. If I had it to do again, I would definitely isolate the earthen floor from what lies beneath it. I wanted an earth-coupled floor for ill-articulated, sort of amorphous reasons - silly, given the length (or depth) we went to to assure there was NO earth coupling, and given the absorptive properties of earth. Barbara Tys wrote: > > > Questions: Anyone out there with cob floors ever have any trouble with > moisture coming up? If so, how much gravel is underneath? Anyone put a > vapor barrier under their floor? If so, have you had any trouble with it? >