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[Cob] Hybrid Cob/Earthbag/Log/Stick

Janet Standeford j.standeford at
Thu Mar 26 18:23:05 CDT 2009

Hi all,
Shane has finished my plans. The roof needs tweaking but it incorporates
everything I wanted with a twist on the corners to provide for codes.
Corners are cob/poles/stick and 18 " wide if I read it right. 75% of the
walls are cob and earthbag at 36" wide.
As the permit process here allows me 6 months to pay for the permit after it
is approved and then I have 6 months to do something worthy of inspection,
then I will actually start on the house next Spring.
This Spring I will sticker trees, clear the area, create test bricks of cob
for the lab, see about building the cistern and collect materials for
If anyone would like to be involved with this please let me know.