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[Cob] heat oil, skip thinners

Kindra Welch kindra at
Thu Feb 26 22:46:36 CST 2009

Definately heating the oil is the way to go...skip the thinners all
together.  I have heard testimonies to the effect that heating your floor
(turning on radient systems etc.) can at least double the penetration of oil
beyond what thinners can do.    I buy a used crockpot for a thrift store and
heat the oil in it, no fires yet, though I always have consideration for
keeping flamables out of range of the pot.  And never leave it un-attended.
Also if you have a bit of cash get high quality oil, linseed oil off the
hardware shelf *stinks*. Or sun-cure raw oil. There has also been discussion
on the adobe list recently that walnut oil has good success with zero smell.

From: "Tys Sniffen" <tys at>
Subject: [Cob] floors- making your own citrus oils?

Has anyone ever looked into making their own thinning agent for a linseed
oil and beeswax floor?  I have access to all the lemons I need, I just don't
really know how to make it.
