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[Cob] cobbing a metal stove

Jaanus Viese jaanus.viese at
Mon Nov 24 10:25:19 CST 2008

   I would use cardboard (from cardboard-boxes) between metal stove and
   cob, specially on vertical stove wall. When the temperature will be
   very high, the cardboard burning but the ash (or air gap) is very good
   for preventing cob from cracks. Only problem I have seen is that
   cardboard insulation is too good and cob does not accumulate heat. It
   happened with my rocket but it is made from bricks and bricks are too
   cold compared with metal stove during the heating. So with metal stove
   very thin layer of cardboard work very well. Another thing is
   horizontal layer of cob on metal stove. Here cardboard does not work
   when cardboard will burn, cob cracks. So here we need probably metal
   lintels that stays on cob wall and on that cob.
   Best wishes from snowy Estonia,
   ---everyday reklaam---
   Osale Eesti Päevalehe fotokonkursil Ega tali taeva jää!

