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[Cob] To whomever lives in Sheridan

philmoulton at philmoulton at
Sun Nov 2 19:09:17 CST 2008

To the unknown person who lives in Sheridan that has knowledge of Cob..
I live in Sheridan, which is between you, (Portland), and your space, 
(Otis), and would be glad to go over some of our ideas with you, though 
I'm afraid I won't be much of a "mentor".  I have some ideas re: cob and 
heating in mountainous/coast/north slope situations.
....End quote

We would like to get together and meet if only to get your thoughts on the
site first hand.
My wife has studied cob for many years but any first hand knowledge and
experience would be great.

My cell  503-236-0060   her cell 503-349-8463
philmoulton at  philmoulton at
(if you call just mention you are on the cob list and live in Sheridan.)

Phil and lilpony

Phil Moulton
Locopony Racing
cell# 503-236-0060