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[Cob] beginner starting withlots of stone

Bryan bryantree at
Sun Feb 3 16:59:16 CST 2008

HI Devon,
Your place sounds very interesting.  I have been rebuilding homes in fl and
would like to build a cob community in north ca that is strictly focused on
healthy organic ways.  Anyway, just wanted to ask if you could suggest where
you think would be best suited.

On Feb 3, 2008 4:37 PM, Devon Strong <foureaglesfarm at> wrote:

>  I have a homestead in N calif with mostly clay soil, fields cleared of
> stone piled up where I want to build. I started a stone wall mortared with
> cob and wonder if that is a tried and true design factor? For my sheep barn
> I figure it can't hurt to try, but it is a lot of effort and what should I
> look out for? I hope to make a major effort at construction this year and
> want to design my main home/cluster around this  material.(plenty of it)
> nearby washed creek sand and also neigbors raising wheat and grain for
> straw.  I have 80 acres with 140 leased pasture(no trees) , good well adn
> power from grid, I will check archives but am asking for advice to
> startwith. health and help, Devon
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Bryan Hilbert
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