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[Cob] Misc & Rocket Stove

Bernhard Masterson bernhard_masterson at
Tue Sep 25 10:30:54 CDT 2007

Brian and Paul,
   Thank you for posting good links and comments about cooking rocket stoves.  However, I'll be teaching how to build a rocket mass heater which uses the same "J-tube" design but then ducts the hot combusted gases through a radiant barrel and then through a thermal mass like a cob bench or earthen floor to extract the heat energy.  This way the heat of the combustion gases can be used in a living space in stead of loosing it up the chimney as happens with a traditional box wood stove.  Exit flu temperatures run about 200 deg. F. so almost all the heat from the 1800 deg. burn chamber remains in the house.  The design of a rocket mass heater is substantially more complex than a cook stove and hence the greater interest in classes.  

- Bernhard 

____________________________________bernhard_masterson at

Natural building instruction and consultation

> Date: Tue, 25 Sep 2007 06:36:04 -0600
> From: chansey at
> To: Bryan at; bernhard_masterson at
> Subject: Re: Misc &  [Cob] Rocket Stove
> CC: coblist at
> Hi all,
> It's been a while since I last posted--just been super busy and still have many tasks to complete on our 6 arce home site ( before winter really sets in.  Major task is environment compliance for a septic system due to the water table at 2.5 feet.  Need to build a mound septic system that is (drawings to be posted soon in PDF) EPA and New Mexico Environmental Department (NMED) approved.   A wasterwater treatment system of this type normally requires a Civil Engineer's approved design, however because I have been involved in the design and installation of advanced wastewater treatment systems in northern New Mexico, NMED has approved my own design and only requires that I use an approved NMED smaterial supplier and New Mexico Construction Industries licensed contractor to oversee installation. Over 90% can be owner-builder installed.
> A good "How To" build a rocket stove video is at and material cost is almost $0.00
> SANCO Business Group
> Paul Salas, Gen Mgr
> PO 429
> Rio Chama, NM  87532
> (505)  927-2219  
> paul at
> visit us

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