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[Cob] Homesteading: waste mgt

Dirtcheapbuilder-Charmaine tms at
Mon Jul 30 04:15:24 CDT 2007

On Jul 29, 2007, at 6:34 PM, Raduazo at wrote:

  As for meeting code requirements, I have at least one friend that has
both a flush toilet and a bucket toilet. He chooses to use the one that 
no water.

I know a man who PLANNED to install the required septic tank ( a big 
cement box in the ground--- and after the final home inspection of his 
strawbale house, he planned to USE the NEW CLEAN tank as a rainwater 
catchment, and go on with the  humanure composting method that had used 
for years.. I saw his [ local  rental house in Humboldt)   home made  
system outside, he  kept good care of the temps, and turning the  
compost, and all that is required, and he grew a great garden too... so 
he  had it down pat.

I thought it was clever to use the cement tank for water catchment 
storage ...his money..his plan.. BUT he was way out in the wilderness 
in CO...and he knew no inspectors come back.  the ladies with the cob 
home are in a visual spot where it is too late to NOT comply in some 

With all the reasons they are right, and are doing the right  
composting,  ..there is also a real concern by any public office in 
charge of waste safety that they protect others and the water stream.

Remember  a key reason   that most communes failed in the late 60's  is 
contamination  by  human waste of the grounds, garden, etc.        
people got sick alot, babies had constant diarreahha and more, due to 
poor understanding of sanitation.

Charmaine Taylor Publishing
PO BOX 375   CUTTEN CA 95534  USA
Tel:  707-441-1632   11-4 PST