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[Cob] Looking to buy small amounts of Clay

raduazo at raduazo at
Mon Jul 9 16:42:02 CDT 2007

Owen: They sometimes sell clay at masonry supply places. It is called fireclay. I would think though that you could find clay anywhere just look for a construction cite near you.
---- "Owen Morgan -" <cob at> wrote: 
> Howdy,
> My Fiance and I are getting married in just over two weeks and we want to do some small Cob balls as wedding favors. The problem is we're having a hard time finding clay to use to mix them up with. We can't dig up our yard (according to my fiance although I think we probably could, even make it look better) so we are trying to find a source suitable. She looked at Lowe's and couldn't find it, even talked to a knowledgeable person who actually knew what cob was said they didn't have anything for it. I was curious if anyone had any ideas of where to get it from and what type of clay we should be looking for?
> Thanks,
> Owen -