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[Cob] building permit changes.billc billc_lists at greenbuilder.comThu May 24 21:39:31 CDT 2007
At 11:29 AM -0400 5/23/07, Damon Howell wrote: >Hi folks, > Pickens County, GA, US just adopted the International Building Code, >which requires a building permit for anything over 120 sqft I >started building a storage shed at 200 sqft because the previous code >(International Residential Code) allowed it without a permit. Now, >half way finished with my building, they switch to the new code. Am I >required to follow the new code even though my building is well on >it's way? Is the IBC and the IRC the same? No offense to you all, but >I don't want to hear theories on this code stuff, I want to hear from >someone with experience in dealing with the laws! Hi Damon, I don't know how they do it in Pickens County, GA, but typically if you have a building already in progress, you get "grandfathered" under the previous rules.... sometimes forever, sometimes for a prescribed period of time (if you don't finish within the alotted time, you have to comply with the new rules). Hopefully you have some documentation as to when you started. You might want to call the building department anonymously and ask them about your 'existing' shed which is over 120sf. I doubt that they're going to make you take it down. Sorry I don't have more solid answers for you, but the exact terms of code adoption is something which is determined locally in most cases. -- Bill Christensen <> Green Building Professionals Directory: <> Sustainable Building Calendar: <> Green Real Estate: <> Straw Bale Registry: <> Books/videos/software: <>