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[Cob] Fwd: Are you willing

Shody Ryon qi4u at
Sat May 19 00:04:50 CDT 2007

Hi Barb,
Is the bond beam concrete? Will it be as thick as the
cob wall at the top? Are you building gable walls with
a bond beam on the gable ends too? Or a hip roof (with
level walls)? Is there going to be a test to see if
the on-site soil is compatable to be in contact with
concrete? Are the cob and concrete going to be
isolated to prevent a chemical reaction? Are cob
bricks going to be tested for compresive strength?
Would the engineer OK a cob dome with a circular bond
beam with about a 6' or 8'  diameter hole? I realize
that you likely do not have the answers yet, but that
is what I am curious about.


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