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[Cob] Fwd: Are you willingBarb Troje btroje at gmail.comFri May 18 19:10:25 CDT 2007
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Barb Troje <btroje at> Date: May 18, 2007 8:09 PM Subject: Re: [Cob] Are you willing To: dealy at just want to announce I am working with Bill Druc, an engineer in Santa Fe NM. I was anticipating having to do infill walls, but he is going to stamp plans for cob as the support for the roof. NM Codes for earthen structures do require a bond beam on top of the cob On 5/17/07, Shannon Dealy <dealy at> wrote: > > On Thu, 10 May 2007, Shody Ryon wrote: > > > Thanks Shannon, > > I didn't know that about their code. Is there an > > engineer in New Zealand (or anywhere, for that matter) > > that has worked up some numbers that could show that > > strength of cob, at least in the cases that s/he has > > done the numbers for? > > Shody > > I haven't seen any structural numbers for cob (and there aren't any in > the NZ code). The immediate reaction of most engineers who look at it > seems to be to encase it in steel and cement or other reinforcement. This > > is in my view incompetent engineering, first you determine what, if > anything is needed, then you decide how to deal with it. Of course this > does require materials testing and probably finite element analysis, both > of which take time and money, so from a strictly dollars perspective, the > cement and steel approach is probably going be cheaper until we have a > significant quantity of test data on cob. > > Shannon C. Dealy | DeaTech Research Inc. > dealy at | - Custom Software Development - > | Embedded Systems, Real-time, Device Drivers > Phone: (800) 467-5820 | Networking, Scientific & Engineering Applications > or: (541) 929-4089 | > > _______________________________________________ > Coblist mailing list > Coblist at > > -- Barbara Troje MD AOBA Education Committee Nizhoni ALpacas , Las Vegas, NM -- Barbara Troje MD AOBA Education Committee Nizhoni ALpacas , Las Vegas, NM