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[Cob] cob and The Code

paul dotpaul at
Tue May 1 22:07:23 CDT 2007

----- Original Message ----- 
From: <hms.mommy at>
To: <coblist at>
Sent: Tuesday, May 01, 2007 9:55 PM
Subject: Re: [Cob] cob and The Code

> On Tue, 1 May 2007 17:56:33 -0400 Damon Howell
> <dhowell at> writes:
>>  But it's funny and, of course ridiculous, that as Kindra points 
>> out the modern codes are requiring some sort of "new research" that  
>> legitimizes cob as a building material. They've lasted for hundreds  
>> of years in every climate around the world! What more evidence do 
>> you  need? Kat's got the best point I think I've ever heard; With every
>> bad move our freedoms and self values are taken away from us and  
>> we're allowing it to happen (in fact want it to).> 
> It's very ridiculous to have to have a cob code.  We just have to
> convince the people in authority over us that it's okay to let us do what
> we want.  I have a friend who insists that he does not recognize anyone's
> authority over him, except his church authorities.  That's fine, but when
> he sets the cruise control for 100 mph, he gets speeding tickets the same
> as the rest of us.  

I try not to drive 100.  140 seems to do the trick.