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[Cob] Pictures from sarahsarah kadoch share at service.shutterfly.comFri Feb 23 08:54:29 CST 2007
Well these are a group of pics to give all an idea on what I am up to out here in Mexico, they are not in any order sorry but I hope you enjoy them anyway. Sarah. ********* VIEW PICTURES sarah kadoch is sharing pictures with you using Shutterfly, the leading online photo service. To view sarah kadoch's pictures at Shutterfly, simply go to: (If you can't click on this link, try copying and pasting it into your web browser.) JOIN SHUTTERFLY FOR FREE AND GET 15 FREE 4x6 prints It's fast and easy! You get free online sharing, free software and photo storage, plus 15 FREE 4x6 prints. Sign up today for FREE! NEED HELP? If you have any questions about this message, please use our convenient Customer Service contact form at: ************************************* Shutterfly Where your pictures live