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[Cob] PlanterRon Becker ron45 at tularosa.netTue Feb 6 14:38:13 CST 2007
A lime plastered interior with pool sealer might do it but I don't know what the sealer would contribute to the soil and plants. Look into Tadlekat [I think that's the spelling] it is lime based and they make sinks out of it. Ron Those who question global warming have a financial or emotional interest in the status quo. On Feb 5, 2007, at 3:38 PM, Michael Montagne wrote: > I'm wondering if a planter is a good application for my next cob > project. I have an oven and a bench but the plaster work is not > weathering the Portland, Oregon winter as well as I have liked. > Now I'm pondering a front yard planter. Perhaps with mosaic tile. But > how to waterproof? Or is it just forcing an application that is best > left to a material other than cob. > > > -- > Michael Montagne > michael at > > > _______________________________________________ > Coblist mailing list > Coblist at > >