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[Cob] quicklime sources

dirtcheapbuilder-Charmaine Taylor tms at
Tue Sep 12 21:04:02 CDT 2006

On Sep 12, 2006, at 6:45 PM, Amanda Peck wrote:

> Family I was staying with soaked their corn in hydrated lime and 
> water, then washed the result in the stream

>  (I've always wondered how awful that was for the environment)

actually lime is used extensively to purify water for drinking,  and in 
food prep, and in many other  commercial/industrial uses as well as .. 
so how could lime in water be bad for the evironment?  limestone sinks 
held kitchen water, horses drink from limestone troughs...

farmers dump hundreds of pounds into the soil to sweeten and make it 
better for crops... and

mother's fed babies lime water for extra calcium 100 years ago.. nuthin 
dangerous or bad to it at all.

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