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[Cob] Please can someone tell me how to unsubscribe from these emails.

Nikki Tilley nikki.tilley at
Fri Jun 23 03:47:23 CDT 2006

Thank you.

	-----Original Message----- 
	From: ocean [mailto:ocean at] 
	Sent: Thu 22/06/2006 21:41 
	To: coblist at 
	Subject: [Cob] Re: Wet cob and forms

	We've mixed cob in a small gas-powered cement mixer.  First using a 1/2
	drill with a large drywall mud-beater, we whipped the clay into a wet
	slip.  We added added the slip to sand in the mixer, letting the mixer
	turn until uniformly coating sand with clay.  This is a wet slurry of
	sand and clay, to which we added dry straw, mixing until the straw was
	uniformly covered.  The straw absorbed some of the excess water, making
	a wet cob, which couldn't be built up more than 8" or so per day.
	But I've often wondered if we'd mixed several batches at once, then
	dumped them all in a pile and let it sit a few days.  The excess water
	would drain out and the cob might then be a better building/sculpting
	On Jun 22, 2006, at 12:43 PM, Lance Collins wrote:
	> David T asked
	>> >Anyone ever used forms to hold a layer of cob on the wall?
	>> It's called 'poured earth' or ' formwork cob' or several other names.
	>> How does it compare to straight cob?
	> pro: mix quality is less critical,  so can do wetter mix in a concrete
	> mixer
	> con: need to have formwork
	>      : takes time to set up forms
	>      : forms are usually straight so wall shape is less flexible
	>      : wall is not one big mud brick so less strong
	> Overall using forms is quicker with less work but less flexible (in
	> design) and not as strong.
	> As in earth building generally the characteristics of your soil are
	> important in deciding whether to cob, use forms, go strawbale or make
	> blocks for an adobe wall.  And there are lots of variations on block
	> making.
	> Lance
	> (in Aus)
	> --
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