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[Cob] Natural Builder -animals to trod

dirtcheapbuilder-Charmaine Taylor tms at
Sat May 6 18:48:39 CDT 2006

there are several records of cattle or horses  trodding and mixing 
clay-straw to make cob, and  the people pitchforking it onto walls.

One historical record I read:    an accountant for a wealthy landholder 
visited some farms  purchased and reported back that the   people there 
  used this method.. of course the droppings are good for plaster, and 
cob too.

having them walk around on a grain mill  grinding track was prolly the 
start,  so  toss in some clay for them to stomp and the  animals are 
doing two jobs at once.

On May 6, 2006, at 4:19 PM, Rodger Chenoweth wrote:

> Traditionally horses were used for making plaster...

>> Does anyone use animals to mix COB???
Charmaine Taylor Publishing
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