Rethink Your Life!
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The Work of Art and The Art of Work
Kiko Denzer on Art

[Cob] Was: Cob in Ohio; now Dreamhouse

Barbara Roemer roemiller at
Thu May 4 15:18:03 CDT 2006

Rob's question, " Is there any way
to salvage my dream of building cob on my property?" reminds me of a quote I
read recently on one of the bale lists.  I think there is far less embodied
energy in a cob building than in a bale building, but the idea below is
worth thinking about.

"The results of my research and analysis show a startling spectrum of
environmental impact severity among approaches to designing with straw
bales. Examining only measurable indices of impact - embodied energy,
water consumption, and waste potential - ten- and hundred-fold degrees
of impact can be identified between different design options.  In some
cases the impacts exceed those of conventional building systems.  It
thus became evident that the potential for lessening environmental
impacts through deliberate design choices is substantial."

                - Ann Edminster, quoted by John Swearingen, who advises
reflecting about this for ten times before building anything.

It's less about the dream per se than about achieving aesthetic satisfaction
with appropriate materials and technology, as others have pointed out.

Barbara who is still reflecting