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[Cob] spray gun, hopper gun, texture sprayer, tirolessaBarbara Roemer roemiller at infostations.netWed Mar 22 12:44:40 CST 2006
Pack inquired about use of Tirolessa and other sprayers. We were pretty discouraged with the use of a Tirolessa originally: we used it with our 1 HP compressor, and it was virtually useless. For a 14 x 16' strawbale powerhouse, we used the same compressor and a drywall hopper. Worked fine as long as we were spraying the slip coat with a little finely chopped straw just to seal up the bales for insect, rodent, and fire protection. Wouldn't push the much heavier plaster which included lots of long straw. We were amazed to find that the Tirolessa worked beautifully with a 4 HP compressor to lay on a very thick (1.5-2") scratch coat. Much faster than doing it by hand on a larger building, and enabled us to fill out irregularities and deep spaces at bale intersections that had been straw-stuffed but weren't yet flush with the wall. You still might want to do a manual top coat. Barbara