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[Cob] Re: cob: ant control againAmanda Peck ap615 at hotmail.comThu Jan 5 19:09:01 CST 2006
I'm trying to think if Thad's suggestions would have worked with my dad's house in the tropics (teeny black ants). Might have. Slab-on-grade, possibly a leak there, although he thought that they came in through the window (three feet off the ground). I'm not going to go talk to his old landlord to find out. And there was someone on another list who suggested that one could deter termites by encouraging ants around the foundation--that they were so territorial as a genus that if you could find a harmless ant you could encourage them and not have problems with other varieties. Somehow even with cob I'd doubt that we'd choose to encourage the termites in order to discourage the ants. .............. Thad offered a link and these remarks (snipped a bit): I am not qualified to fully answer this question of ant contol; however I am a building designer and have some suggestions. Also a quick read tells me that boric acid sprayed during construction on the framing is not toxic to humans and toxic to ants. I did not see a reference to a physical barrier which i would think would be the long term solution. I would suggest this however: The floor should be raised 8" min. above the surrounding grade. The foundation should have no cracks in which pests could enter. The floor should be continuous over the foundation stemwall such that no crack could develop between the floor and the wall. I am refering to a detail in which the floor is poured or set inside the stemwall of the foundation. This detail would certainly crack at the floor/stemwall connection. So therefor: the floor slab should be poured over the top of the stemwall. A continuous non-ferrous metal barrier would be set into the top of the slap directly under and centered on the wall which is resting on the edge of the slab directly over the stemwall. In commercial construction this would be similar to a "water-stop" which is used to make cold joints in concrete waterproof. So.... aluminum or copper would be used to create a vertical barrier that would be set into the slab floor under the wall and would knife into the wall (cob or strawbale). Boric Acid would be liberally applied to the underside of the wall base. I have had problems with ants at my house. Another suggestion I would have is to make sure there are no buried wood or dead root systems close to the house. We have a colony that comes for a visit every year that lives in the root system of a tree we removed 18 years ago. That is about all I have to say about ants. What say the rest of you?