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[Cob] AE & Rub-R-Slate foundations and waterproofing

dirtcheapbuilder-Charmaine Taylor tms at
Mon Oct 31 20:32:15 CST 2005

On Oct 31, 2005, at 5:46 PM, Amanda Peck wrote:

> Could the same thing be done with asphalt emulsion?  That does tend to  
> be inexpensive.

AMANDA, straight AE gets very hard when laid down in thin layers, and  
may crack I would suspect.    there are many formulations sold as roof  
and basement coating, put on with a brush, the stuff is very low  
processed tar- bentonite clay and some fibers ( prolly nylon  type)    
it is cheap 5 gallons is $22. here, but lower in bigger cities.
   regular AE:   FIRE FIGHTING MEASURES  FLASH POINT:  Water-based, not  
applicable.  Will not burn until cured.

If clay is added to the AE mix, with some fiber, say paper or  
cellulose, etc... then it is more rubbery..hence Rub-R-Slate, which  
will  conform to any shape, edge, etc as the other stuff.

With the liquid rubber- the  VOCs . Naptha, and the flammability of it  
is a concern. and  very low flash point 115F  ( I means, isn't a hot  
tub 112 deg? The hot tub industry states that 109 degrees F is the  
maximum temp that a spa should be set to)   really scares me.  once  
applied it is prolly just fine.  the catalyst is Stoddard solvent...  
smelly stuff...

I've used the Jack Bay's Rubberslate recipes with regular  AE  ( non  
toxic    Black Jack or Henry 107 
ProductID=18380170   brand, fibered) and mixed with clay and sand,  
paper pulp and been very happy. sawdust works great too.

for the curious her is a link to the info on it at  my site.

Home made stuff can do the job, but the    super flat look of the EPDM  
rubber is attractive too.
Charmaine Taylor Publishing
PO Box 375 Cutten CA  95534 USA  707-441-1632