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[Cob] RE: Coblist Digest, Vol 3, Issue 59Leigh Ann in Tennessee cobhouses at hotmail.comSat Sep 17 13:19:48 CDT 2005
Thanks for the response to my request to lend a hand to any cob projects near the Nashville, TN area! So far, I have three cobbing neighbors: Francine, Amanda, and Melissa.....all live south of me. As far as the upcoming Kleiwerks cob workshop in Liberty,'s been canceled :-( Cob Questions: 1. Can support poles inside a cob house be sealed completely inside cob walls, or do the poles need to be partially exposed? We've drawn a 32' x 32' cob house (total exterior dimensions), and are planning on a simple flat metal roof. Because of the size we were afraid that the cob walls might not support such a large roof, so we decided to design the roof with a line of support poles through the center of the house, at 8' increments. We are trying to avoid a complicated roof plan. 2. Exactly how load-bearing are cob walls? How do you calculate this? Is there a simple 'rule-of-thumb'? 3. How thick should interior cob walls be? Is there a minimum thickness in relationship to the height of the wall? Leigh Ann _________________________________________________________________ [1]3 FREE months of MSN Dial-up Internet service. Click for full details and to sign-up now! References 1.