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[Cob] thatchJUDITH WILLIAMS williams_judith at hotmail.comThu Aug 25 09:01:51 CDT 2005
Your mention of thatch caught my attention. I'm working on a round cob building, really a sleeping tower over my water tank and have come up with no roof I like except thatch. I have many books on cob construction, all recommending thatch but all agree that few in this country know how to do it and materials are hard to find. I live in New Mexico. We don't have a lot of marshy areas but I have noticed places where cat tails are growing. I thought of getting some waders and cutting a few to experiment with. Do you know of anyone (you must since you have a thatch roof) who teaches or advises on thatch? Your upcoming weekend sounds great. Wish I could be there. Maybe another time if I have more time to make arrangements.