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[Cob] cobber's thumbs

Copper Harding copperharding at
Tue May 3 11:42:00 CDT 2005

Try your local landfill, etc. and look for old snow
shovels.  They have a "D" shaped handle on them.  You
can then cut off the handle to a reasonable length
(anywhere from six inches to...) and have a nice grip
for pushing the cob into the next layer down.
Cheap/free, works nicely, AND saves your hands - or at
the bare minimum gives you a nice change of pace for
working with the cob.

For those of you living in a "non-snow" area - sorry. 
I'm not sure what kind of old implement would have
those types of handles and be readily available.

Best of luck cobbing,


Ms. Copper Harding

If you can walk, you can dance
If you can talk, you can sing  --- from Zimbabwe

When you're out of balance
  gravity tends to get you down. -L.L. Harding

P.O. Box 125
Hawley, MN 56549

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