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[Cob] lime stone pozzolanic floorearthnhands at earthnhands at img.netTue Apr 26 22:09:40 CDT 2005
We are excited to share that we will soon be pouring our lime stone floor for our hearth bakery which has a combination of volcanic ingredients and silica and grog,and barley straw to avoid using such a mass of concrete,we had to import most of the ingredients, but to me seemed a much more friendly floor with natural colors to work with then typical concrete,I find that the samples seem lighter in weight then concrete,and that I can achieve a thinner slab with strong results.We have a layer of pumice on the base to provide an insulative layer in which we will lay our hydronic heating system and then we will pour the pozzolanic slab over top.Looking forward to having it as the surface for working on. Although I still havent concluded on what to seal it with and would love to hear some suggestions. Very much interested in 'Tadelakt' and would love to hear of other suggestions for sealing a limestone floor to preferably make it a washable surface. We have been able to build the bakery so far out of approximately 90% reclaimed materials,windows,wood etc.cob and even a straw bale insulated walk in cooler. Loving the input on this list! Grant ___________________________________ Uniserve,