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[Cob] Design Concept

joseph r dupont joedupont at
Fri Feb 11 08:11:52 CST 2005

Apparently, the disposal of chicken feathers is an issue. they are
looking for ways to use them.
in plastics, in cement, etc.
If I had a source.. I might put them in layers of old PE bags and
feathers. heat them up and get a light weight
panel.You can fuse old garbage bags together  to make tarps. you use
aluminum foil and a clothing iron.
you peel the foil off when you are done.

On Fri, 11 Feb 2005 07:03:54 -0600 "Amanda Peck" <ap615 at>
> Two reasons (OK, three) I can think of, one of which might not be 
> true in 
> this case, the other one might be worked around.
> a) Bird feathers insulate at least partly because they have oil on 
> them, 
> don't they?  Would that make them slippery?
> In feather pillows the little feathers poke out all the time.  Not 
> sure I'd App
> want either them or bigger ones sticking into my feet.
> b) Distaste for dealing with dead chickens--maybe LOTS of dead 
> chickens if 
> this was your primary non-clay/soil additive.  At a bet, the 
> de-plucking 
> machines at the processing plant leave you with really dirty 
> feathers.
> By the way, I am notorious for thinking that things won't work.  
> Even when 
> there's really no problem at all.
> .............
> Joe wonders:
> why not mix chicken feathers in cob??
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