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[Cob] FW: Cob Code Research Project, Plus ??'sDavid Boyer hasteind at earthlink.netWed Feb 9 00:20:38 CST 2005
David Boyer hasteind at Why Wait? Move to EarthLink. ----- Original Message ----- From: David Boyer To: coblist at Sent: 2/7/2005 4:43:56 PM Subject: Cob Code Research Project, Plus ??'s Hi cobbers and fellow wannabes, This is my first Coblist post ,so I hope it gets to you all. I don't understand the internet permutations and complications involved with posting. Since I signed up to coblist 3 days ago I have got the message "Bug in mailman version 2.1.4" when trying to access the Coblist. And with viewing coblist archives I am only able to view the yrs 1996-2003.... I am putting together a research project about building codes and departments here in Oregon. I aim build a cob home within a 30 mile radius of Salem, OR and intend to visit 6 county building departments to find the most cob-friendly jurisdiction. I will give the results of this research to Cob Cottage Co. in exchange for some training with cob construction. So, I am putting together a brief succinct questionnaire/research model to use with local building inspectors that will focus on getting a cob building permitted. The research tool /questionaire is now a draft work in progress and is intended for others to use in other jurisdictions.I hope some of you more seasoned cobbers might offer some CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM with my whole approach and with the questionnaire particulars. Questions I want to include: 1.) Has a residential cob building ever been permitted in this county? 2.) Is there an adobe provision/section of the code that can be applied to cob construction in this jurisdiction? 3.) Is there an owner-builder provision in the code that can be applied to permit cob? 4.) What is the largest code-exempt residential structure allowed in this jurisdiction? 5.) What exactly would you require to permit a cob structure under the "alternative materials, design and methods of construction" section of the code? 6.) Is there any easy approach you can recommend to getting a cob structure permitted here? (ha ha ha) 7.) Does this jurisdiction permit compost toilets? What are all the permitted gray water and blackwater options? 8.) What are your jurisdictional requirements and limits on living in a travel trailer/motorhome on the property while building a cob residence? 9.) Are insulative R-values required for a cob structure? Can a thermal storage U-values be considered in lieu of, or in combination with, R values? Thats all the relevant questions I can think of... I intend to present to these local inspectors/officials some position papers from the President of the ICBO about permitting natural building processes (cob?). And I want to have some published engineering data/literature to present defining/outlining the structural integrity of cob (can anyone tell me where to find it?). One final question I have:does anyone know an engineer within a 75 mile radius of Salem who is enthusiastic about cob or who has certified/stamped/approved a cob building plan? Well thats about all for now from this cob newbie/wannabe. Hope some of you can share some helpfull insights. In struggle and solidarity, David Boyer 503-763-0177 David Boyer hasteind at Why Wait? Move to EarthLink.