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[Cob] RE: cob/lime wash and MCSaudrey gfriday at suscom-maine.netTue Jan 11 04:54:37 CST 2005
Hello All. I hope this note finds you and yours in the very best of health and spirits. Does anyone have experience with multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS, a.k.a. environmental illness, chemical injury) and the lime wash used for cob? Due to severe chemical sensitivities and the offgassing of traditional building materials and the unhealthy indoor air quality I am researching so called alternative building techniques. I have come to understand that the best indoor air quality to be made comes from straw bale construction, however, as I would be doing the work myself and mold is a great concern (mold is what is making me so ill in the house I am currently living in) I am gun shy to exhaust my resources on this technique. Therefor I am leaning toward cob construction but again I am uncertain of the constant moisture here on the ocean shore. I am right on the coast of Maine so sea mist and fog is constant. Most promising technique right now seems to be a stick build exterior (no plywood) and cob interior --but need to know of others' experience with the lime wash and chemical intolerence. I would greatly appreciate any knowledge and experience you are willing to share. God bless you and stay well, Audrey Emerson -- No virus found in this outgoing message. Checked by AVG Anti-Virus. Version: 7.0.300 / Virus Database: 265.6.9 - Release Date: 1/6/2005