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[Cob] Wood Heat Questiondirtcheapbuilder-Charmaine Taylor tms at northcoast.comSat Jan 1 00:41:15 CST 2005
there are off site wood and oil buring stoves called Taylor Stoves.. you have them sit next to the house, and they put heat, without risk of fire, etc-- straight to the home. My friend in Oregon has one and heats his old mobile home that way while be finishes his castle home. But there must be a cheaper, smaller solution for winter heating. possible cobbing around a cheap metal box stove with exposed cob in the shed and a built i seat would warm the space enough. I visited the two rocket stoves ianto has at CCC and the one in the big hoouse has a built in seat shelf which feels great. ypi cpuld feed the stove from the outside, and eliminate fire /sparks, soot inside. patrik, the goat shed on my property is 6 deep x13 wide and is a tiny space...where did you put a sleep space? a loft? > Charmaine Taylor Publishing books at PO Box 375 Cutten CA 95534 USA -- 707-441-1632 & New& Used books: On Dec 31, 2004, at 8:41 PM, Pack McKibben wrote: > > After building my cobwood shed, now, I'm thinking how nice it would be > to go from calling it my shed, to making it my abode. Only problem is > that there's no electricity for an electric heater or space for a > large wood burning heater. I've done a little research on the > internet looking for small wood burning stoves with a small chimney > (3"). Something like a stove ice fishermen use to keep warm. My > "abode" is only 78 sq. ft. Does anyone have experience, or ideas, on > how to warm a small space without overheating it? What type/brand > stove are y'all using for heat this winter that might be close to what > I'm looking for? I want to use wood for my heating needs if possible. > thanks for the many times this list has come thru for me....pack > > > Coblist mailing list > Coblist at > >