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[Cob] cob/earth oven also heating hot tub intake?Tys Sniffen tys at ideamountain.comThu Dec 30 13:28:13 CST 2004
Hello all. Along the same lines of the hope to do two things with one fire, I wanted to check in with this group on a concept I'm developing. (on paper right now) I would like to build a cob baking oven and run copper piping through it, probably in the middle of the 'fire box' area (so it'd look like a rack in the middle of the oven) and this copper pipe would have water flowing through it that would be attached to the intake/outtake of a hot tub. I'm sure most of you know about wood fired hot tubs with the stove as a separate unit (not a submersible). The questions arise: 1. Could the cob oven handle the temperature differences possibly created by the water flowing through it? 2. Would having a 'rack' of tubes (I imagine a zig zag pattern) going through the middle of the oven mess up the fire? The baking? 3. Am I just being too darn lazy? Cheers, Tys -------------------------------------------- Tys Sniffen 415.606.7746 Efficiency Consultant: <>